Q. How much does it cost?
A. As a guide, our retail price for full factory refurbishment of a wheel up to 18" diameter, with a standard paint & lacquer finish is £78 including VAT. Larger wheels, special finishes,
split rims, and polished faces will cost more. We also charge a little more if you are bringing us the car rather than just wheels and tyres. Centre caps can also be painted for an additional charge,
but it is often cheaper to buy new ones.
Q. Can you straighten buckled wheels?
A. If you have a wheel which is 'out of round', usually caused by pothole damage, then we can normally restore it. If the wheel is twisted, then we can't. If in doubt, please drop in and we'll take a
look at it and advise you.
Q. Can you deal with cracked wheels?
A. Small cracks on the rear edge of a rim can usually be welded successfully. We don't do welding on site, but can arrange for it to be done, or if you prefer, we can tell you where we take them so
you can cut out the middle man!
Q. The paint and lacquer is peeling off my wheels. What can you do about that?
A. We deal with this problem all the time. Its usually caused through a previous poor quality refurbishment job, or sometimes older wheels particularly Japanese ones for some reason have a very
thin coating on them which doesn't last. Our process (see here) will remove all previous finishes and rebuild the finish to the current standards of leading wheel
Q. The lacquer on my wheels has a milky appearance in places and is starting to lift.
A. This often happens on wheels with a polished finish, ie where lacquer has been applied over bare polished metal. We can have the original finish restored if you wish, but you need to be aware
that the same problem will recur, as it is inherent with this type of finish. It is much better to have the wheels stripped and refinished in our normal way which will be much more durable. We also
have some special finishes which can give your wheels a distinctive appearance but avoid the adhesion and corrosion problems that occur with lacquer over a polished finish.
We're adding new questions and answers to this page all the time. If your question hasn't been answered then just call us on 01392 829922 and we'll be happy to help.